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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-06-08  浏览次数:36
核心提示:  党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央就反腐败国际追逃追赃工作作出重大决策部署,开辟了全面从严治党和反腐败斗争的
  党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央就反腐败国际追逃追赃工作作出重大决策部署,开辟了全面从严治党和反腐败斗争的新战场。在中央反腐败协调小组指挥下,中央追逃办坚决贯彻落实中央决策部署,加强统筹协调,各地区各部门积极行动,密切协作,追逃追赃工作取得重要阶段性胜利。截至2018年4月底, 通过“天网行动”先后从90多个国家和地区追回外逃人员4141人,其中国家工作人员825人,“百名红通”人员52人,追回赃款近百亿元人民币。   人民群众对腐败分子的外逃行为深恶痛绝,期盼把他们追回来绳之以法。2017年4月,中央追逃办发布了《关于部分外逃人员藏匿线索的公告》,向社会通报了22名未归案“百名红通”人员藏匿线索。《公告》发布对外逃人员形成强大震慑,国内群众、海外华人华侨积极提供外逃人员线索,协助查找人员下落、配合开展劝返。截至目前,上述《公告》中已有任标、徐雪伟、刘常凯、黄红、贺俭、李文革6名“百名红通”人员回国投案自首。此次继续发布《公告》目的是紧紧依靠群众,积极发动群众,进一步织密追逃追赃的天罗地网,让外逃人员无处遁形。同时我们将注重依法保护举报人权益。   习近平总书记在党的十九大报告中强调:“不管腐败分子逃到哪里,都要缉拿归案、绳之以法。”这再次体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央对反腐败国际追逃追赃的坚定决心。中央追逃办将继续坚决贯彻落实中央决策部署,全神贯注,全力以赴,维护法律的权威与尊严,维护社会的公平与正义,不遗余力地把侵害人民利益的外逃腐败分子追回并绳之以法,决不允许他们逍遥法外。   举报网址:http://www.12388.gov.cn/ztzz/   中央反腐败协调小组   国际追逃追赃工作办公室   2018年6月6日   涉嫌职务犯罪和经济犯罪的   部分外逃人员有关线索   (共50人,按姓氏笔划排序)   1.王东生,男,中国居民身份证号码370602195611230414,烟台市公路局原局长,涉嫌受贿罪。2014年5月29日外逃至澳大利亚,外逃所持证照:G46638056。目前可能居住地:Eastwood, Sydney,Australia。   Wang Dongsheng, male, Chinese ID No. 370602195611230414, former Director of Yantai Municipal Road Bureau,>   Wang Junwen, male, Chinese ID No. 360403195110050136, former General Manager of Hainan Textiles Industry Company Limited and former Chairman of Hainan Xingye Polyester Company Limited,>   Wang Qi, male, Chinese ID No. 310103197411260018, former Director of Legal Department of China Resources Microelectronics Limited,>   Wang Qingwei, male, Chinese ID No. 370105197201030314, former finance staff of Qingqi Group Hong Kong Company Limited,>   Wang Jingzi, male, Chinese ID No. 210402196207030970, former Director of Economic Investigation Division of Xinfu District Branch of Fushun Municipal Public Security Bureau,>   Wang Liming, male, Chinese ID No. 140104195311270855, former President of Hainan Branch of Bank of China,>   Bai Jing, male, Chinese ID No. 510107197309080013, former Director of Investment Branch of Financial Market Department of Agricultural Bank of China,>   Feng Guangcheng, male, Chinese ID No. 370111480629165, former General Accountant and Director of Planning and Finance Department of Shandong Silk Group Company,>   Feng Weihua, male, Chinese ID No. 310222194803162012, former Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Taopu Town of Putuo District of Shanghai,>   Rong Shengling, male, Chinese ID No. 640103196309281850, former Deputy Director General of the Economy and Information Technology Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,>   Ji Dongsheng, male, Chinese ID No. 410103196409152455, former Manager of the First Branch of Henan Securities>   Liu Quanzhou, male, Chinese ID No. 320103196812060532, former employee of the General Department of Jiangsu Highway Construction Headquarters,>   Sun Yan, female, Chinese ID No. 320107197003282629, former employee of Xinjiekou Sub-Branch in Nanjing of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, wife of Liu Quanzhou,>   Liu Baofeng, male, Chinese ID No. 320102196607140414, former General Manager of Shenzhen Branch of Huatai Securities,>   Liu Xu, male, Chinese ID No. 110223198402076399, former employee of the Social Insurance Fund Management Center of Tongzhou District of Beijing,>   Liu Xiangjian, male, Chinese ID No. 430602195411291016, former Section Chief of Entry and Exit Administration Section of Yueyang Municipal Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province,>   Liu Fucai, male, Chinese ID No. 440105195202051837, former Director General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province,>   Liu Shenxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 370402194502281911, former General Manager of Shanghai Shandong Qilu Industry Company Limited,>   Yan Bo, male, Chinese ID No. 130104196012172115, former General Manager of the International Business Department of China Unicom,>   Li Feng, male, Chinese ID No. 11010219630421195X, former Director General of Talents Exchange and Service Center of the Ministry of Health,>   Yang Xili, male, Chinese ID No. 210719196406060818, former Chairman of Huludao Xirui Group Company Limited,>   Xiao Jianming, male, Chinese ID No. 530102194711110717, former Chairman of Yunnan Tin Group Company Limited,>   Xiao Bin, male, Chinese ID No. 230202196108191034, former general manager of Qiqihar Credit Guarantee Company Limited of Heilongjiang Province,>   Wu Qing, male, Chinese ID No. 320821196512216110, former Chairman of Huaian Cotton and Linen Company Limited,>   Qiu Gengmin, male, Chinese ID No. 332601196205150331, former Manager of Zhejiang Changda Import and Export Company Limited,>   Chen Xingming, male, Chinese ID No. 220102194911252813, former Director of Strategy Research & Planning Department of China Electric Power Limited,>   Zhou Quan, male, Chinese ID No. 210202196008061714, former Director of Dalian Liaison Office of Korea Da-in Ferry as seconded by Dalian Ocean Shipping Company,>   Zhou Jianhua, male, Chinese ID No. 330323196408060635, former Party Branch Secretary of Li Huiyao Village of Chengdong Sub-district of Leqing City of Zhejiang and former Legal Representative of Jianqiao Construction Group Company Limited,>   Zhou Jinghua, female, Chinese ID No. 440524196909075424, former manager of Thailand Project of Real Estate Development Co.,LTD of Yunnan Copper Group,>   Zheng Dongqiang, male, Chinese ID No. 350204195309042057, former Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Deputy Director of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province,>   Shi Jianxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 310223196409272817, Hong Kong ID No. M334542(A), former Chairman of Kuailu Group,>   Hong Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 310107196811091234, former Deputy General Manager of CHINATEC in Shanghai and Manager of Footwear Department,>   Xuan Xiuying, female, Chinese ID No. 44501019621106110X, former Director of Zhuhai Jinglian Division of Guangzhou Branch of China Southern Securities Company Limited,>   He Yejun, male, Chinese ID No. 130229590224001, former Chairman of Tangshan Haomen Group Company,>   Xu Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 370102195807280336, former Manager of Business Department of Shenzhen Oil Technology Import and Export Company Limited,>   Xu Jin, male, Chinese ID No. 420107196504280030, former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission,>   Liu Fang, female, Chinese ID No. 210102196503045628, wife of Xu Jin who was former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission,>   Xu Weiming, male, Chinese ID No. 310109194402283212, former Chairman and General Manager of Shanghai Anhui Yu’an Industrial Corporation,>   Xi Xiuping, female, Chinese ID No. 410305197002056523, former Legal Representative of Luoyang Dahua Property Company Limited,>   Huang Ping, male, Chinese ID No. 44011119630927301X, former Legal Representative and General Manager of Guangdong Guanghong Huaqiao Aluminum Fabrication Company Limited,>   Huang Weiliang, male, Chinese ID No. 440724196711064851, former Director of Administration Office of Kaiping Sub-Branch of Bank of China,>   Cui Xuewen, male, Chinese ID No. 372823195006191116, former Director of Linyi Economic and Trade Committee and Chairman of Lanling (Group) Company Limited,>   Liang Jinwen, male, Chinese ID No. 440401540210041, former Vice Chairman and General Manager of Zhuhai Huamei Automobile Brake System Company Limited and Legal Representative and General Manager of Zhuhai Zhongqi Huayue Industry Company Limited,>   Peng Xufeng, male, Chinese ID No. 430104196605214019, former Deputy Director of Changsha Municipal Construction Commission of Hunan Province, former Chairman of Changsha Metro Group Company Limited, and former Chairman of Hunan Infrastructure Construction and Investment Group Company Limited,>   Jiang Ruoyan, female, Chinese ID No. 310105195801300824, former Director of Administration Office of Shanghai Huayuan Property Management Company Limited,>   Cheng Muyang, male, Chinese ID No. 320106691114161, former Chairman of Hong Kong Jiadali Investment Co., Ltd and former manager of Beijing Subsidiary of Beifang International Advertisement Company,>   Xie Weidong, male, Chinese ID No. 230106195611140416, former Judge of the Supreme People’s Court,>   Lai Mingmin, alias Lai Min, male, Chinese ID No. 440701195204080313, former Director of Jiangmen Branch of Bank of China,>   Yu Tainian, male, Chinese ID No. 120104194209230437, former Director of Planning Division of Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park,>   Jian Fan, male, Chinese ID No. 320106195205080034, former legal representative of Jiangsu Huihong Tongyuan Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of loan frauds, accepting illegal bills and forging financial bills, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G35360291 and W41413290 on May 20, 2014. 原标题:布下天罗地网!中央反腐败协调小组发布50名外逃人员线索
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